Monday, 10 February 2014

How to Make Video Look Back on Facebook

 Look Back Facebook is an offering made ​​by Facebook social network users in the form of a video trip to the timeline for 4 years back. It is presented in the context of facebook birthday 10th precisely dated February 4, 2014. Perhaps the last few days on the facebook page often see posts from our friends titled Here's my Facebook movie. And when the link is clicked it will show the video of our friend containing a photo, status, photos ever shared and others that fit with the music makes the video looks beautiful.

Perhaps you are wondering how to make it? whether to use the software as a video maker? or should install certain applications on your facebook? ternyta all the wrong answers. It is very easy and does not need any expertise related to the making of the video. You only need to visit a specific page and the system automatically in the facebook will make your video look back over 4 years back.

There is a record that must be kept in mind that could make facebook look back this is the only photo files and shared a lot of his status, because if you are too private then auto-generate this look back will not work. Curious how the following steps:

  • First of course you must already have a Facebook account
  • Then login
  • Then click the following link
  • See what happens, let the process run will see your video look back
  • Click the Share Your Movie to appear in your timeline
  • When you do not want to appear so do not need to click Share Your Movie
  • Done, easy right
That's it you have made the look back video. Share it with your friends ..

Thanks for coming by and taking your time to read this post :) I hope you have learnt something today. Now I'd love to hear from you. Got any views, thoughts and questions related to the post? I'm all ears here. Add your comment.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

How To Convert Your Facebook Page Into A Website

Many  Lots of people having Facebook page. Almost every bloggers also have a FB page. Here are lots of people who contain a popular Facebook page but don't have any website. If you are one of them then you can easily make a website just in a minute with your FB page. A simple tool called EXAI is available that allows users to turn your Facebook Page into Website or Mobile site free of cost with some clicks.


1. A Website in 1 Click
2. Matching Mobile Site
3. Easy to use interface
4. Free SEO
5. Free Hosting
6. Hire Professionals
7. Amazing Photo Effects
8. Lots of Widgets

For making a website just click on this link and go to website. Here click on start and Just do 3 simple steps. The free site URL will be, if you want to set your own custom domain name to your website go to pricing options.
